First step towards full re-opening

October 20, 2020

After months of hard lockdown, we are delighted to advise our members that we can now take the first step in reopening the clubhouse.

From Thursday October 22, members with their own boats and paddles will be able to use the clubhouse. There are restrictions on the facilities we can use and at this stage, we are still unable to use shared equipment so don’t forget to bring your own PFD too. The current rules are set out below and remember to bring your new access fob.

We are hopeful that the next step is not too far away, so keep a lookout for our emails.

We thank all members for their patience and support – we have all been missing our paddling friends and time on the water.

Again, we would like to thank Yarra Council for its support and prompt approval of our revised Return to Play plan.


INCC Yarra Paddlers – Return to Play Plan  
20th October 2020
Directions for Access to Boat Storage Areas and Toilets
For private boat owners only

Paddlers responsibilities
•     Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
•     If you cannot access hand washing facilities, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with at least 60 per cent alcohol
•     Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
•     Practice respiratory hygiene by coughing or sneezing into your elbow or upper sleeve, or tissue and then immediately disposing of the tissue
•     Maintain physical distance of at least 1.5 metres between yourself and others
•     Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces regularly, including phones, door handles, light switches, bench tops etc.
•     Paddlers will only have access to boat storage areas to access personal boats and club boats allocated for exclusive use.
•     Paddlers to only use their own personal paddles and lifejackets.
•     Paddlers are responsible for cleaning their personal equipment with their own cleaning materials.
•     Paddlers should bring and take home their own boat washing equipment fo each session – such as buckets and sponges.
•     No personal lifejackets, clothing or covers to be left in boat storage areas.
•     The designated Safety Officer will be responsible for opening the door, cleaning the door handles and identified high risk spots before and after use.
•     Complete your details in the sign in book every session.

Facilities and Sessions
All paddlers must complete the sign in book including name, time in and out and phone number. Each paddling group will need to appoint a Safety Officer every session who will be responsible for participant behavior and ensuring the cleaning of high risk spots.
Please nominate a Safety Officer for your group each time you paddle and record it in the sign in book.  It does not need to be the same person for each session. If there is a single participant, that person will become the Safety Officer.
Check List for Safety Officer

  • No more than five people in the clubhouse at once and paddle in groups of two.
  • Use of single craft only * Double craft may only be used by two persons from the one household.
  • Do not allow participation if an individual is showing symptoms of Corona Virus or is unwell
  • Ensure surfaces are disinfected before and after session. Wear disposable gloves and use the detergent/disinfectant wipes to wipe over the front door handle, bathroom taps and sign in pen.
  • The gym, kitchen and change rooms are not to be used. Toilet accessed only if necessary.
  • Access to boat storage areas for personal equipment only, one person at a time.
  • Ensure everyone records their details in the sign in book.
  • Paddlers to only use personal lifejackets, paddles and boats.
  • Paddlers to bring their own boat washing materials and take home after each session.
  • Ensure all participants maintain social distancing guidelines, maintaining 1.5 meters apart and avoid physical contact greetings.

No personal lifejackets, clothing or covers to be left in boat storage areas.
All members are required to fill in the sign in book when entering the boat storage area.
There can be no sharing of equipment

Participation in any session will not be allowed if:
(a)    Participants have any flu-like symptoms;
(b)   Have been in direct contact with a known case of COVID-19 in the previous 14 days;
(c)    Have travelled internationally or have been in direct contact with a known case of COVID-19 in the previous 14 days; or
(d)   Are at a high risk from a health perspective, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical heath conditions.
(e)    Club members need to be compliant and need to inform the President that they are unwell.

If any participant presents with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 (fever or respiratory symptoms such as cough, sore throat and shortness of breath), the Safety Officer will direct the person to leave the vicinity and seek medical advice.

Should a member of the club test positive for COVID-19, the Clubhouse and boat storage area will be closed immediately, the Club President will call the Hotline for further advice and notify all members of the closure.

Compliance is a condition of participation, access to sessions and boat storage. Access will be declined if a member is not compliant.
Insurance will not cover non-compliant activities.Travel

To prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the restrictions limit paddlers to within a radius of 25 km of their home.

Reducing the risk of incidents

Paddling is a relatively low risk activity, however, paddlers are encouraged to only paddle or train in places and conditions that are low risk and always take the more conservative approach to lessen the likelihood of calling on emergency or medical services.