
Support our funding application please!

May 3, 2018
Good news! After years of hard work, we have managed to be included in the Yarra Council’s draft budget for an upgrade to our facilities.  There is now a period of community consultation on the draft.

Upcoming events

March 19, 2018
To continue our great start to the year, we’ve got lots of new and exciting events and opportunities coming up! To highlight a few… INCC Recreational Paddling Weekend (Bairnsdale), paddling on the Mitchell and Nicholson Rivers over the weekend of the 14th/15th of April – INCC Recreational Paddling Weekend Bairnsdale 14-15 April ANZAC Day BBQ & ‘Reasonably Priced Kayak Challenge’ on the 25th of April – ANZAC BBQ and Reasonably Priced Challenge Flyer 2 Annual Winter Solstice Pyjama Paddle on the 16th of June – Winter Solstice Paddle – Saturday 16th June 2017 We’re hosting Winter Series Race 3 on the 24th June 2018 – Winter Series Race 3 – Fairfield – Singlesx

INCC holiday camp is back!

March 17, 2018
INCC holiday camp is back! • Registration will be open on the website • 2,3 and 4-day options are available. • Start on the 3rd of April. • 9-4.30pm Tuesday to Friday The program includes morning tea, afternoon snack, 2 x water session in a variety of water sports eg kayaking, canoeing, slalom kayaking, canoe polo, 1x bike tour, swimming pool activity, games during the day.

Chandler Highway and Yarra River closure

March 14, 2018
Message from the Chandler Highway Upgrade project team We’re about to start lifting the new Chandler Highway bridge beams into place – a significant milestone for this project. To complete these works safely, we will be doing them overnight meaning there are some upcoming night closures of Chandler Highway.

End of Year BBQ

December 4, 2017
Come and join fellow INCC members for a BBQ by the river to celebrate Christmas and the end of the year! All food will be provided by INCC – so please feel free to come along for what should definitely be a great night.